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- Most-viewed topics
System requirements
Headset and link box
- About the VIVE Pro HMD
- Putting on the VIVE Pro HMD
- Adjusting the IPD on the headset
- Can I wear my prescription glasses while using VIVE Pro?
- Adjusting the lens distance on the headset
- Replacing the face cushion
- Connecting a USB device to the VIVE Pro HMD
- Removing the headset earphones
- Replacing the headset earphones
- Reattaching the head pad on the headset strap
- Updating the headset firmware
- What does the status light on the headset mean?
- What is the dual camera used for?
Link box
Product care and repair
Common solutions
- What can I do to troubleshoot the headset?
- What can I do when the status light on the headset indicates an error?
- What should I do if the headset is not tracked?
- My headset display is blurry. What should I do?
- What can I do to resolve the "headset not found" error?
- My headset can't be detected due to a USB port issue. What should I do?
- After upgrading to Windows 10, VIVE shows as the computer's main monitor. What should I do?
- I'm experiencing skipped frames. What could I do?
- I'm seeing drifting motion or floating objects in VR. What could I do?
- Can I use the USB Type-C earphones that came with my HTC phone?
- Is there a way to also hear from the computer what's in VR?
- What can I do if the headset's dual camera won't turn on?
- What should I do if there's cracking noise from the headset earphones?
- What can I do if the headset connection status is unstable?
- The headset display suddenly turns blank. What can I do?
- How do I install the driver updates for the VIVE Pro dual camera on Windows 7?
Base stations
- About the VIVE base stations
- Installing the base stations
- Tips for setting up the base stations
- Using the mounting kit
- Updating base station firmware via cable connection
- Updating base station firmware via Bluetooth
- What does the status light on the base stations mean?
- What should I do if any of the base stations is not detected?
- Can I use the older version of the base stations together with SteamVR Base Station 2.0?
- Which VIVE hardware is compatible with my base stations?
- Do I need to use the sync cable?
- Are the base stations covered by warranty if accidentally damaged?
- When VIVE Pro is in use, my TV remote isn't working. What can I do?
- About the VIVE controllers
- Charging the controllers
- Turning the controllers on or off
- Pairing the controllers with the headset
- Attaching the lanyards to the controllers
- Updating controller firmware
- What does the status light on the controllers mean?
- What should I do if any of the controllers is not tracked?
- How do I know which of the controllers is not being tracked?
- What can I do if the controller's trackpad is oversensitive?
- What should I do if my controller won't turn on?
- The controller automatically turns off. What should I do?
- My controller won't turn on after I accidentally unplugged it during firmware update. What should I do?
Play area
- What is the play area?
- Planning your play area
- Choosing the play area
- Setting up VIVE Pro HMD for the first time
- Setting up a standing-only play area
- Setting up a room-scale play area
- Resetting the play area
- Verifying your setup
- After setting up, how do I turn the VIVE system on?
- What is the recommended space for the play area?
- Can I include space occupied by furniture for the play area?
- Will VR apps that are for limited spaces or stationary experiences only work with a room-scale setup?
- How do I resolve download errors during VIVE Setup installation?
- I can't complete the room setup. What should I do?
Audio settings
System Dashboard settings
Most-viewed topics
- System requirements
- What are the system requirements?
- Headset and link box
- About the VIVE Pro HMD
- Connecting a USB device to the VIVE Pro HMD
- Removing the headset earphones
- Can I use a laptop with VIVE Pro?
- My headset can't be detected due to a USB port issue. What should I do?
- Base stations
- Activating the dual camera
Video Tutorials
Putting on the VIVE Pro headset

Connecting the headset to your computer