About VIVE Wrist Tracker
VIVE Wrist Tracker improves the accuracy and stability of the hand tracking feature on
VIVE Focus 3.
VIVE Wrist Tracker provides an extra tracking point for VIVE Focus 3 to accurately determine the position of your hands while using hand tracking. In addition to assisting hand tracking, VIVE Wrist Tracker can be used for object tracking. When attached to an object, VIVE Wrist Tracker provides VIVE Focus 3 with a 6-DoF object pose estimation of the object in VR. VIVE Wrist Tracker can also upgrade any 3 DoF device (such as a VR controller) to 6 DoF, giving you more freedom to explore and interact with your VR environment. You can use VIVE Wrist Tracker with a variety of different tools and peripherals to assist in a multitude of applications, including professional training and sports science.
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